Special Services
From time to time, Centenary United Methodist Church will post videos of special services.
Celebration of Life for Connie Hadl
The church, family and members of the community gathered Oct. 1, 2023, to celebrate the life of Connie Hadl. Pastor Todd Seifert officiated the service.
Celebration of Life for Paul Willhite
The congregation in person and online celebrated the life of Glen Paul Willhite on Dec. 22, 2022, at Central United Methodist Church. Originally scheduled there to accommodate a larger crowd than Centenary UMC, the wintry weather made use of Central’s livestream capability important.
Celebration of Life for Dale Kring
A celebration of life was conducted for Dale Kring on June 25, 2022, at Rumsey-Yost Funeral Home in Lawrence, Kansas. Arte “Chubb” Bolling Jr. provided the message, and Pastor Todd Seifert officiated.